Did you know that with just one product you can multiply your beauty routine by a thousand? say hello to satin pillowcases.

They always tell us about the products that we should put on our hair and face so that they are healthy and radiant... But you may be diminishing the effects by using a simple product: Your pillowcase.
Unfortunately, cotton pillowcases are not so beneficial for the goals you want to achieve in your beauty routine. They tend to dry out your skin and cause friction, which stimulates hair break, , acne, skin irritation,accumulation of bacterias, among others.
Resting on a soft surface, such as satin, reduces these aspects and have very important benefits for your skin care and hair care.
Keep on reading to discover all the benefits and say bye bye to your current pillowcase.
1. Forget about the marks on your skin.
Surely you have ever woken up with the lines of the cover marked on your face, which depending on your skin type, may take more or less to disappear.
Like the satin fiber is softer and more gentle with your skin,, it does not tend to produce these marks. Great isn't it?
2. Take care of your eyelashes and eyebrows.
The eyes and their surroundings are one of the most sensitive parts of our body, which is why many times When we move while we sleep, we lose or weaken our eyebrows / eyelashes, which later causes them to fall out.
Give your eyelashes and eyebrows more love by changing your cotton cover for a satin one. You will see how your eyebrows and eyelashes will thank you ♥
3. Say goodbye to frizz.
If you are constantly buying products to combat frizz, you have to try changing your pillowcase.
Unlike cotton or linen, satin does not cause friction against your hair while you sleep,so it is ideal for hair that tends to have frizz and curls.
4. Reduces acne.
Are you one of the people who have sensitive skin or who are prone to acne? If so, your case may be one of the causes of your products not working fully, or causing acne.
. Satin is one of the best fibers for pores, as it allows them to breathe at night which reduces the chances of acne on your skin.
5. Stronger hair and skin.
If your hair and face tend to dry out, you use a thousand products at night but in the morning it seems that they are not doing 100% of their effects, it is very likely that your cover is to blame.
Cotton fibers tend to absorb natural oils and products you apply at night.
Satin fiber helps you retain oils and products for longer,so you will see better results in the morning.
6. What you don't see.
The Cotton pillowcases tend to retain germs and bacteria faster than satin covers,so they will stay there until you change back.
If you are congested, sleeping in a satin pillowcase will help you sleep better, especially if you spray it with a few drops of lavender essential oils, a great decongestant that promotes a good rest 🙂
7. Durabilidad.
Satin pillowcases tend to last much longer than others if they are washed and cared for correctly,.
No importa cuantas veces cambies tus sábanas o cuantas veces te mudes, vas a ver que siempre van a estar como la primera vez.
Cuando las fundas de algodón son usadas muchas veces se va volviendo más abrasivas contra tu rostro y con el tiempo se van rompiendo o quedando descoloridas.
8. Sweet dreams.
One of the best benefits is the good night's sleep you are going to get.
There's nothing like lying in your own bed after a super long day, but we can't always sleep well. Insomnia your bed can be an important help that you are not paying attention.
Make sure you always have clean sheets with a pleasant aroma, by having soft and gentle pillowcases you will see how you begin to relax and enjoy your night's sleep.
These are the main benefits of satin pillowcases..
Over time they flow into others; have more energy, which causes you to be more productive, your skin and hair to be much healthier and look better, which is a confidence boost for yourself.