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8 Ideas to have a better 2021


We were all waiting for 2020 to end, weren't we? It is still hard to believe that we are experiencing a pandemic, but well, let's hope that this year everything will somehow return to normal and we can put all this behind us. I think 2021 is going to be the year we start a new chapter, with everything we learned in the past year.

We have already passed these first two weeks of January, it is time to sit down and see how we can do to be a better version of ourselves this year. Check out these tips so you can make 2021 your best year. ♥

1. Organize your physical and digital space.

If you haven't done it before, please start now! It is not necessary that you have everything perfect in one day, because we already know that we start with all the desire, time passes and we end in the middle of a giant chaos. It is best to organize by rooms or sections and gradually decide what to keep.

Even though we live in a completely digital world, we always forget to erase and organize our cell phones and computers. You can have everything organized in your physical life but if you forget the tools that you use the most on a daily basis, you will be just as stressed. As in physical space, you have to start small, review photos, videos, apps, messages, files, delete subscriptions, etc.

2. Bye toxicity.

Something that you definitely do not need in this year, or in any other, is everything that drains your energy without any constructive contribution. That is, it is not that you eliminate everything that you do not like because they take you out of your comfort zone so that you can grow as a person, but everything that does not give you anything and only gives you negativity.

Thank you Universe for having the "unfollow"; all the accounts and people who do not contribute anything and only make you feel bad, Bom remove them from your physical and digital life! You don't need to carry on carrying toxic relationships, period.

3. To do list.

The "To do lists" are not for everyone I know, but you don't need to make exhaustive lists for everything if you don't want to. You can make weekly lists with things you would like to do in that period and take it more relaxed. I am sure that you are going to love that feeling of crossing out all the things that you wanted to finish and never did.

Because it happens that many times we forget and end up doing everything at the last minute. Or is it just me? I love lists, I have one per year, every three months, monthly, weekly and daily. It is not for everyone but it helps me a lot to organize myself.

4. Romanticize your life.

Enough of always throwing ourselves down, comparing ourselves and doubting our potential. In other words, we are in 2021 and we still continue with all these thoughts that we are not enough. Enough for whom? Begin to feel that you are on top of the world, romanticize your life and that no one tells you otherwise.

Arriesgate, falla y empezá de nuevo. No compares tu apariencia con los estándares sociales, no tienen sentido y además viven cambiando. Lo más atractivo es una persona segura de si misma 😉 Y por supuesto no todo son las apariencias. Divertite y olvidate de lo que piense el resto, aunque suene cringe pero solo vivimos una vez hacé que valga la pena.

5. Support local businesses and ethical brands.

You do not necessarily have to buy to support those businesses or stores in your area, with the simple fact of liking, sharing or commenting you are already doing a lot! Whenever you can, I decided to buy in startups before in large companies, no matter how much you can spend, it is always a lot for people who work hard to stay afloat.

Además es muy lindo poder ayudar y encontrar productos que sabés que son realizados éticamente en tu propio país. Tratemos de evitar comprar en grandes empresas de fast-fashion, hipermercados, etc y optemos por ir a nuestro almacén del barrio, ferias, tiendas online locales 🙂

6. Save that coin.

Lands of adult life. If you have the possibility, it is always important to have savings "for a rainy day" as they say. If you have a stable income, set aside a percentage and save it instead of buying the first thing that comes your way. A good option is to save by treating the products you buy as "investments" and evaluating their life.

Example: You need to buy a wallet, instead of buying one that you know will not last a year, wait a bit and buy a higher quality one, in order to avoid spending on another one after a few months. Did I explain myself well? haha. In short, we have to be more aware of our finances, it may seem boring and "adult" but it is important to understand our consumer behavior and avoid buying for the sake of buying.

7. Take care of your body as if it were the only one. Plot twist: it is.

First stop criticizing him and comparing him to others. There is no point in worrying about how we look when we cannot change it, the best thing you can do is take care of your body, eating healthy foods but not feeling guilty about eating those that are not so healthy.

Try to cook more with healthier products, if you love ice cream, look for recipes to make it yourself or cook the French fries in the oven instead of frying them. Everything needs a balance. It is also good that you look for something that makes you move and exercise your body, not to see yourself in "x" shape but to be stronger, move your blood, release Endorphins, exercise your muscles, in short.

8. Keep learning

Last year one of my "goals" was to learn and read more. I think it is very important to be constantly learning about topics that we are not used to and in which we want to participate more conversations. It also changes the way you think, opens doors to other ideas that never occurred to you before and above all it gives you more perspective on things and the world.

Find the easiest way to ingest this new knowledge, in 2021 you have no excuse since there are a thousand ways to learn. My favorites are downloading books online for me Kindle, listening to podcasts or downloading educational apps. Choose the themes that most attract your attention and start small🙂

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