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CICAPLAST Baume B5 Benefits

Neceser negro Sherpa fotografiado en pileta de baño con productos de cuidado facial dentro.

CICAPLAST Baume B5 Benefits

Surely you heard about the CICAPLAST Baume B5 cream from the famous brand La Roche Posay, and not for nothing is trending on Tiktok with thousands of people surprised with its quick benefits.

Many products are hailed for working miracles on your skin, with super-retouched photos that aren't actually the result you get after using them.

That is why I decided to test the results myselfto see how real they were and honestly I totally fell in love with the cream.🤍

Neceser negro Sherpa fotografiado en pileta de baño con productos de cuidado facial dentro.

What is CICAPLAST Baume B5?

On the La Roche Posay website it is defined as a multi-use balm to soothe, nourish, protect and repair the skin.

It is ideal for sensitive skin, with rosacea or dry skin since its formula presentsrepairing active ingredients, soothing and antibacterial agents; your savior for acne.

How to apply it in my skincare routine?

It's super easy to apply in your routine. Like any treatment product, It is placed after cleaning your face very well, the ideal time is 1 minute approx. My favorite at the moment is CeraVe cream to foam (:

I just apply a little pearl on my finger and then place it on the areas with acne or acne marks, dry or more sensitive parts that often turn red.

I don't apply it all over my face, but I know there are people who every once in a while like to apply it as a sort of intense hydration/repair mask at night and love the result they see in the morning.

¿Cómo se siente en la piel?

The texture of CICAPLAST BAUME B5 it is light, absorbs very quickly into the skin and does not leave any white cast on the face.

I usually let it rest for a minute on my face and then I apply the following products, trying not to "clean" the areas where I applied the balm.

Key benefits of CICAPLAST BAUME B5

🤍 Nourished and protected skin

In particular, I have noticed my skin is much smoother with a healthier appearance.

🤍 Optimal repair of the skin barrier

You can see the difference the next day, particularly in more "red" or parched areas.

🤍 Partially eliminates scars caused by acne

This is a benefit that is not on their page but that I have personally noticed (and the reason why Tiktok convinced me to buy it lol) It is not something that disappears overnight, but with use you notice that they go away clarifying.

🤍 Treatment against any type of acne

Its miraculous formula is ideal for the pimples that appear and nothing eliminates them. Just place a little of the balm on the surface and you will see how much better the next day. (Obviously don't touch it or blow it up or anything, if you want just reapply the product every few hours)


Would I recommend CICAPLAST BAUME B5? 100% yes, game changer. It's everything it says and you don't have to break your savings to buy it😉

The 20ml pot will last you a long time, remember to apply a small pearl on your finger and then apply it to the affected areas so that it lasts longer. With 2 times a day that you do it you will notice a lot of difference.

Remember that 100% perfect skin does not exist in anyone, there will always be days where you get a pimple, be more sensitive, etc. The important thing is to take care of it and keep it as healthy as possible🙂

Some tips that you can also follow:

  • Drink a lot of water, the change is really noticeable.
  • Always balanced meals, lots of greens and fruits (another way to hydrate).
  • Never sleep with makeup on, big no.

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5 Must-haves for your makeup bag.

5-Infaltables-para-tu-neceser-de-maquillaje. beauty

Whether you're getting ready to start your day at work or a night out with friends, having the basic products in your makeup or skincare bag is essential to always be prepared.

But sometimes it is overwhelming to be able to select which product is a musth-have, among so many that are on the market.

That is why in this mini guide you will find your 5 basic products to keep in your makeup bag.

Basics for your toiletry bag.


1. Always hydrated.

A good moisturizer is essential in any skin care routine because, as we already know, it hydrates and nourishes your skin.

But did you know that it is also essential for the application of your makeup to look perfect and last longer?

Always use a moisturizer that suits your skin type, be it slightly oily, dry, a combination of both, or more sensitive.

2. The N°1 recommended product by dermatologists.

Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is the most important thing to maintain healthy and young skin. Not for nothing is it the most recommended step by dermatologists around the world.

The range of protection must be 30 SPF or higher, apply it every day even if it is cloudy.

The ideal is to find one lightweight formula so it doesn't clog your pores or leave a white residue on your face.

3. Concealer

A great concealer It is a must have when it comes to covering details that you do not want them to be so noticeable, such as dark circles or small red areas.

It's perfect for keeping your face looking natural without the need to completely cover it with a base.

Choose one that is the most similar to your skin tone, that is light in formula and can be easily blended.

4. Vaseline

Although it may not seem like it, Vaseline is gold when it comes to having it in your toiletry bag. It has a thousand uses, so much so that in its official page they detail them all.

Dry and cracked lips? Aplica un poquito de Vaselina con tu dedo y quedarán hidratados al 100%. También es genial para mantener tus eyebrows in one place for hours and hours.

Plus it comes in a little container which makes it ideal to keep in your makeup bag.

5. Eyelashes

A mascara is perfect to finish any look, add more length, volume or definition to your lashes.

Choose a mascara that that best suits your desired effect; a more natural look or a more dramatic look for special occasions.

Tip: If you have a formula with moisturizing products, much better


By keeping these 5 basic products in your toiletry bag, you will always be prepared for any situation, at any time.

Whether it's taking care of and protecting your face or giving you that little boost of confidence you needed in your day.

  • Focus on quality products.
  • Products should always be adapted to your lifestyle and needs.
  • May your personality always be the cutest part of you. (:

Which of these products are you going to try? What was already a must-have in your toiletry bag?

ONYX toilery bags 💕Choose yours and always stay organized.

I would love to know what are your must-haves in your toiletry bag! Let's create a conversation to help each other find those products that change our lives. Leave your comment below and subscribe to the newsletter 💌

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Gua Sha: 5 Reasons why you should use it

Gua Sha 5 beneficios

Surely you have already seen this little tool called “Gua Sha” everywhere. It's totally loved by skincare routine fans and not for nothing.

It may seem unnecessary and with a lot of hype, but honestly, once you try it, you'll love it too.

You will notice the difference almost in the first use and it will become part of your daily routine., especially if you want to reduce puffiness in the morning, have more radiant skin, relieve tension and sculpt your face.

What is Gua Sha and where does it come from?

It is an ancestral technique originated in traditional Chinese medicine, where a small flat stone is used to gently pass it over the face or body. This stimulates lymphatic flow, increases circulation, smoothes and lifts skin, relieves tension, among others.

It is clearly nothing new for the Asian culture that has been practicing it for hundreds of years, but for our Western culture it is totally "revolutionary".

Surely you saw someone performing this technique on some social network and many times the origin is overlooked, so it should be clarified that it is something totally accredited to Asian culture and they are the experts who have perfected the different movements throughout their history.

5 Reasons you're going to love using Gua Sha

Personally, I saw the results from the first time I used it :')

You can make a comparison by massaging one half of your face and then comparing it to the half you didn't touch.

You will see your skin more radiant, your features firmer and feel much more relaxed.

1. Relaxing ritual

If you want to start and end your day in the best way, this technique is for you. Is a relatively simple technique, where slow movements on the skin make it deeply relaxing and instantly activate the parasympathetic nervous state.

It is also a kind of meditation where you tune in more with your body, which makes it more than a simple cosmetic treatment because it serves to relieve stress and connect us with our body.

2. Natural facelift

The variety of edges of the Gua Sha jade stones are specially made for lift, sculpt and tighten the skin. Using it regularly can help prevent signs of aging, reduce wrinkles and brighten the skin.

By stimulating circulation, this blood flow contributes to a more alive, voluminous and radiant appearance.

3. Stress relief

Did you know all the tension that you can be accumulating in your face without realizing it? The technique It's great for getting to knotted areas and releasing all that muscle tension retained due to stress at work or for that final at the university that is driving you crazy.

You will notice that with daily use your face will be more relaxed, in addition to preventing and reducing the slight lines of expression.

4. Radiant skin

By increasing the circulation improves lymphatic function, resulting in a naturally radiant complexion.

The action of gently passing the stone across the skin helps any oil or moisturizer you are using penetrate deeper.

In addition, thanks to the movements made, the skin is decongested and its inflammation decreases which is ideal for preventing or reducing acne.

5. Detox

This technique is widely used to perform lymphatic drainage, manual movement stimulates the lymphatic system helping our body to function optimally, causing the toxins to flow to facilitate their expulsion.

How to incorporate Gua Sha in your routine?

Incorporate the technique where you are most comfortable, either in the morning, at night, or both. You will see how much your skin improves and the better you will feel after. But first you have to make sure of a few steps:

  • Your skin must be completely clean and fresh.
  • Use an oil or moisturizer suitable for your face and neck or the part of the body where you do the treatment.
  • Remember that your stone must always be clean, so you prevent impurities from being absorbed by your skin.

Tips for a correct technique

Once you have your skin prepared you can start with the technique. Luckily it is not something so complicated with many instructions to take into account, I think the most important thing is that the stone must be flat against the skin, make a firm but moderate pressure without leaving the skin red.

Where to use Gua Sha?

The great thing is that you can use it both in the face as well as the rest of the body.

I use it in face and neck twice a day, in the morning and at night. In the rest of the body only two or three times a week but once a day.

The number of repetitions would be between 5 to 10 for each section.

How to clean the stone?

Every time you use it, clean it simply with soap and water then dry it and voila. Remember to keep it in a safe place because they are quite fragile.

Informative Gua Sha facial massage videos

These are some of the videos that will help you understand more about the technique and movements to perform facial massage with Gua Sha stone.

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8 Beneficios de dormir con fundas de satén

Did you know that with just one product you can multiply your beauty routine by a thousand? say hello to satin pillowcases.

funda de satén, almohada, belleza, piel, pelo

They always tell us about the products that we should put on our hair and face so that they are healthy and radiant... But you may be diminishing the effects by using a simple product: Your pillowcase.

Unfortunately, cotton pillowcases are not so beneficial for the goals you want to achieve in your beauty routine. They tend to dry out your skin and cause friction, which stimulates hair break, , acne, skin irritation,accumulation of bacterias, among others.

Resting on a soft surface, such as satin, reduces these aspects and have very important benefits for your skin care and hair care.

Keep on reading to discover all the benefits and say bye bye to your current pillowcase.

1. Forget about the marks on your skin.

Surely you have ever woken up with the lines of the cover marked on your face, which depending on your skin type, may take more or less to disappear.

Like the satin fiber is softer and more gentle with your skin,, it does not tend to produce these marks. Great isn't it?

2. Take care of your eyelashes and eyebrows.

The eyes and their surroundings are one of the most sensitive parts of our body, which is why many times When we move while we sleep, we lose or weaken our eyebrows / eyelashes, which later causes them to fall out.

Give your eyelashes and eyebrows more love by changing your cotton cover for a satin one. You will see how your eyebrows and eyelashes will thank you ♥

3. Say goodbye to frizz.

If you are constantly buying products to combat frizz, you have to try changing your pillowcase.

Unlike cotton or linen, satin does not cause friction against your hair while you sleep,so it is ideal for hair that tends to have frizz and curls.

4. Reduces acne.

Are you one of the people who have sensitive skin or who are prone to acne? If so, your case may be one of the causes of your products not working fully, or causing acne.

. Satin is one of the best fibers for pores, as it allows them to breathe at night which reduces the chances of acne on your skin.

5. Stronger hair and skin.

If your hair and face tend to dry out, you use a thousand products at night but in the morning it seems that they are not doing 100% of their effects, it is very likely that your cover is to blame.

Cotton fibers tend to absorb natural oils and products you apply at night.

Satin fiber helps you retain oils and products for longer,so you will see better results in the morning.

6. What you don't see.

The Cotton pillowcases tend to retain germs and bacteria faster than satin covers,so they will stay there until you change back.

If you are congested, sleeping in a satin pillowcase will help you sleep better, especially if you spray it with a few drops of lavender essential oils, a great decongestant that promotes a good rest🙂

7. Durabilidad.

Satin pillowcases tend to last much longer than others if they are washed and cared for correctly,.

No importa cuantas veces cambies tus sábanas o cuantas veces te mudes, vas a ver que siempre van a estar como la primera vez.

Cuando las fundas de algodón son usadas muchas veces se va volviendo más abrasivas contra tu rostro y con el tiempo se van rompiendo o quedando descoloridas.

8. Sweet dreams.

One of the best benefits is the good night's sleep you are going to get.

There's nothing like lying in your own bed after a super long day, but we can't always sleep well. Insomnia your bed can be an important help that you are not paying attention.

Make sure you always have clean sheets with a pleasant aroma, by having soft and gentle pillowcases you will see how you begin to relax and enjoy your night's sleep.

These are the main benefits of satin pillowcases..

Over time they flow into others; have more energy, which causes you to be more productive, your skin and hair to be much healthier and look better, which is a confidence boost for yourself.

Try the benefits.

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Neceser negro Sherpa fotografiado en pileta de baño con productos de cuidado facial dentro.

CICAPLAST Baume B5 Benefits

Beneficios del CICAPLAST Baume B5 Seguramente escuchaste hablar sobre la crema CICAPLAST Baume B5 de la famosa marca La Roche Posay, no por nada es tr
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5 Tips for your winter skincare routine

skincare invierno

Don't forget about your winter skincare routine! At this time of year we always change clothes and put away everything for the summer, we lower our coats, we change our shorts for sweatpants and we start not wanting to get out of bed.

Just like we make a change in our clothes, we have to make a change in the skincare routine that we have to to protect and keep our skin hydrated.

For some, winter means dry skin and chapped lips, so it is necessary to follow a good routine to avoid them. When the temperature drops, so does the humidity, which means that the skin loses some of its moisture and begins to become irritated.

Check out these winter skincare tips and keep your skin radiant and healthy always!

skincare para invierno

1. Hydration, the classic that we always forget.

It is no secret that the skin needs to be hydrated to be healthy, it is essential that you drink a lot of water, especially in winter. Always carry a bottle of water with you and if you are one of those who do not like you can make flavored water or drink large cups of tea.

Also hydrate your skin in the morning and at night with your favorite moisturizer, products based on ceramide and hylaronic acid are perfect for the skin's protective and functional barrier.

2. Sunscreen, even when it's cloudy.

Let's admit that not all of us follow this rule in winter, but it is essential that we take care of our skin and more our face froms ultraviolet rays. Let's admit that not all of us follow this rule in winter, but it is essential that we take care of our skin and more our face from ultraviolet rays. Although it may not appear in winter, they are quite strong and can damage our skin in the long term, produce spots and age more quickly. damage our skin in the long term, nuestra piel, producir manchas y envejecer más rápidamente.

Make sunscreen part of your summer and winter skincare routine, don't forget to include your hands, lips and neck!

3. Lip balm your best winter friend.

Brittle lips are a must in winter, since we go out without any protection, fight them by always hydrating them with a lip balm. Make sure it has a base oil , like almond oil or coconut oil.

If you can do not use long-lasting or matte lipsticks, you will prevent your lips from drying out faster because the ingredients they have cause dryness.

4. Check the composition of your products.

Take a moment to review the composition of your products. Does it contain alcohol? If so, try not to use those products when it is cold, look for an alternative with a hydrating base. Alcohol-based products are too harsh and tend to dry out the skin.

5. Don't exfoliate excessively.

Exfoliating helps the skin to get rid of dead cells. But we must be careful in winter, since your skin is more sensitive and committed to drying out.

In your winter skincare routine you should only exfoliate once a week to help regeneration and better absorption of products.

Perfect products to add to your skincare routine ♥

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Neceser negro Sherpa fotografiado en pileta de baño con productos de cuidado facial dentro.

CICAPLAST Baume B5 Benefits

Beneficios del CICAPLAST Baume B5 Seguramente escuchaste hablar sobre la crema CICAPLAST Baume B5 de la famosa marca La Roche Posay, no por nada es tr
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