Valentine or Galentines? The celebration of this celebration of love and its idea of how it should be celebrated is very divided. There is always the concept that it is only a day for lovers and couples, but in reality if we go to a deeper idea it is simply to celebrate love, between anyone and without labels.
It may sound very cheesy but why do we always have to minimize what we feel to appear or be more "cool"?

You don't necessarily have to make a huge celebration with your partner or friends, but take it as an excuse to make those people feel how important they are to you. It is practically like Christmas, leaving aside the issue of consumption, it is an excuse to get together with the family at least once a year and create an environment of laughter, games, anecdotes and sometimes a little drama.
No creo que haya que tomarse tan en serio el tema de regalar algo sí o sí, (aunque es lindo recibir chocolate 😍) lo más importante es hacerle saber a esas personas que te bancan en el año todo el cariño que les tenés, mediante un mensaje, llamada, una merienda, cena o como más te guste.
San Valentín es para festejar a la persona más importante de tu vida, vos.
Now, yes, the most important person in your life who you are going to take care of and make her feel on top of the world will always be you, no matter the day. And thinking about it, we should transform Valentine's Day into a Myself (? Because many times we give a lot to others and we forget that we must also nurture ourselves with love.
So what I propose is that we start putting 100% in ourselves, all year long. And yes, now there is the #selflove trending but it does not mean that you have to run to buy a mask and Boom! you already love yourself. No, it is more complex than that. It has to come from within you and with a lot of work to discover you as if you were your own partner.
Obviously there are going to be days when you are 10 points and others when you cannot even see yourself.
But with small changes that you incorporate, you will see how you become your perfect date, while you learn to deal better with yourself.
Check out some ideas to start your #selflove journey this Valentine's Day ♥
- Take you to a date; How many times did you feel like going to eat somewhere but got canceled at the last minute when you were totally ready? : / No, go the same way and enjoy your own company.
- Be your BFF; Treat yourself as if you were your bff. Do you speak badly to him? No. Do you criticize him? No. Do you compare him? No.
- Killer outfit; Put on that outfit or set of underwear that you love so much just for you, you will see how your confidence goes up a thousand points.
- Food lover; Order it or even better cooked your favorite food and prepare an epic dinner watching your series of the moment.
- Put your thoughts down on paper; Do you remember when you were little and wrote everything in your private diary? Well, start doing it big too! It helps a lot to clear your mind and take more perspective of things that happen to you.