8 Tips to be more sustainable - ecofriendly
Being more sustainable or ecofriendly is something that we should incorporate into our lives, whenever we can. Not only does it help the environment, but it also makes us more aware of our lifestyle and the changes we can make.
It should be noted that there are large companies and multinationals that are responsible for a large part of the waste, either because of their mass consumption policy or because of the little awareness they take regarding the environment. However, in my opinion, as consumers we have great power when deciding who to support and in this way we also create an impact so that they begin to have a more sustainable look.
That is why responsible consumption is essential, but we should not judge other people who are not on our same path or who do not do "enough" according to our standards. I think the best thing is always to try to help and inform others, but always from a place of respect, with the idea of being able to complement each other as a society and not doing it for the simple fact of feeling "better" than others.
1. Use what you already have.
Many times we get so excited about wanting to change our lifestyle and find great sustainable products, but we forget that sometimes we already have products that can perform the same function.
It also happens that we have products that are not so "sustainable", they continue to fulfill their function but we want to change them for those that are. In that case let's finish using the "unsustainable" product and then buy another one that is closer to our ideals, as long as we can of course.
2. Cup
The menstrual cup may seem a bit shocking at first, but honestly it is the most comfortable and hygienic to use . In addition to lasting between 5 to 10 years , you avoid all the waste of wipes or tampons so you end up saving and taking care of the planet.
The first time it may take you a little to get used to, but you will see that after a few days will be your best friend 4 life. Find her on the web at Pink Lady (Uruguay) and look at all the details.
3. Garden at home
Has anyone else in quarantine become obsessed with plants? I think now we are all plant lovers , so having a garden at home is something you are going to love doing.
There are thousands of ways to make one, if you have a balcony or patio you can find a thousand videos on YouTube of how to do it, you will see your own food grow and of course save a lot.
4. Second hand
Second hand stores have become "the it place" to go shop in recent years, which is great for the environment and for your economy. The best thing is that you can find thousands of garments or products that are in perfect condition. conditions and give them a new life.
It is perfect for those times that we need something but we cannot acquire it from a company with our same ideals, since many times the price is higher and with sustenance. It is a better option than acquiring something new in a fast-fashion.
5. Quality over quantity
Many times we buy a product for its price instead of checking the quality before, big mistake. How many times did you buy a T-shirt or wallet and it broke after a short time of use?
Of course, whenever we can, it is better to fix that breakage, but to avoid unnecessary expenses we must ensure that the products we acquire are of quality and have a long useful life. Whenever we can avoid buying only for the price or for the aesthetics that it has and we keep in mind the quality of it.
6. Skin care
In our facial care routine we can also incorporate sustainable aspects. One of the ways is to use makeup or creams until they are gone, to be sure that we use all the product in the container, you can cut it and you will see how much of the product is inside . Then recycle the packaging.
Pro tip: Replace the cotton pads to remove makeup or makeup remover wipes with reusable pads, at ONYX you are going to find some great microfiber that you are going to love, it also comes with a headband to feel you in a spa.
7. Not your conventional wrapping paper
I saw this tip in a video by Claudia Sulewski and I loved the idea. Many times we order food or make purchases and we are left with the paper bags that we end up using or recycling. A better way to give a new life to use them to wrap gifts.
Primero desarmá la bolsa para que te quede el rectángulo plano, luego colocá la parte lisa contra la superficie para que sea la que se vea fuera del envoltorio. Quedan muy originales los regalos envueltos así y estamos reutilizando. Recordá decirle a la persona que recicle el papel 🙂
8. Tote bag
I believe that now it is the indispensable item that we always have when going out to do grocery shopping, stores, etc. Tote bags are the perfect accessory to lead a more sustainable life.
In ONYX you can find the TERRA embroidered model or the TERRA stamp . They are 100% cotton and ideal for storing whatever you want, it also has a zippered pocket inside to store keys, cell phones, cards without spending hours looking for them.
Write in the comments your tip to be more ecofriendly and let's create a section to motivate ourselves ♥